How do I blacklist an email address or a domain?

  • To add an e-mail address on your personal blacklist send a mail to assp-persblack@yourdomain and in the subject of the e-mail put the e-mail address you want to blacklist.?
    To submit a list of addresses and/or domains to block, you may separate each email adress with a comma or a space . example: (email1, email 2, email 3)
  • Whole domains can be blacklisted by using a wildcard (*) in the user part of the domain: *@thedomain
  • To see a report of all addresses listed in your personal blacklist send a blank e-mail to assp-persblack@yourdomain
  • To remove an e-mail address from your personal blacklist send a mail to assp-notpersblack@yourdomain and in the subject of the e-mail put the e-mail address you want to remove from the blacklist.
  • Whole domains can be removed by using a wildcard (*) in the user part of the domain: *@thedomain
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